Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Editorial Vida - HarperCollins
Christian Publishing
Atn. Cris Garrido, David Coyotl
3900 Sparks Dr. SE
Grand Rapids, MI, 49546
Dear friends,
Before anything else I want to thank from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the organization I represent, your tremendous generosity by donating to us such extraordinary evangelistic material.
Through this letter we want to express that our only desire is to donate each one of these Bibles, promising to never and for no reason, receive a penny in exchange for them, as well as ensuring that anyone who receives a Bible from us, will not make profit of it. . We want you to be satisfied in the near future by the fruit of your generosity through our organization.
Through this letter we want to express that our only wish is to donate each of these Bibles, promising to never and for no reason, receive a penny in exchange for them. We want you to be satisfied in the near future by the fruit of your generosity through our organization.
Again, I express our profound gratitude, as your attentive and sure server for any clarification related to this letter.
Hector Hermosillo
Founding Pastor
Ministerio Internacional Semilla de Mostaza
1418 N. Main Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Tel: (714) 406-0138